
The shrine of Gabriel of Our Sorrowful Mother is to be found nestling in Grand Sasso near the city of Teramo in Italy. It is here that Gabriel spent the last two years of his earthly life and where he is buried. His tomb is situated to the side of the High Altar in the older of the two basilicas which have been constructed as shrines. Below the altar is a metal effigy of Gabriel, which encloses his mortal remains, clutching the image of Our Lady of Sorrows as he did when he lay dying.



The facade of the older shrine

The older shrine has some beautiful mosaics on its facade – of Gabriel in glory, receving the call from Our Lady and the most beatiful of Our Lady coming to Gabriel on his deathbed. Inside there is a shop for religious articles, many pictures of Gabriel and assorted frescos including some of St. Francis. A must see in the museum which contains many mementos from the Saint’s life.



A new basilica was built in the 1970s in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council. As such it is modern in style and has a great area set aside where confessions may be heard. The art work is truly wonderful, especially the glasswork. His Holiness John Paul II visited the sanctuary in 1985.

Directions to the Shrine from Rome can be found at the Shrine’s website: or by post; Rettore santuario, 64048 S. Gabriele (TE), Italy

The ‘Echo of Saint Gabriel’ is a magazine with many articles about the Saint and contemporary Christian life; it is published in Italian. please write to; L’Echo di San Gabriele, 64048 S. Gabriele (TE), Italy